Karma Flooring


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At Karma Flooring, we pride our ourselves on giving the right advice for your flooring project. Check out our latest blogs for all your tips and advice for flooring.

| Composite Decking

Composite Decking

Composite Decking now available from Karma Flooring. We have partnered up with the best composite decking company in Australia, being WOODEVO. Decking has come a long way in recent years. Composite decking is fade-resistant and has a high tolerance against…
| Education

Is Laminate Flooring Waterproof?

We refer to laminate flooring as a moisture-resistant product. It’s not waterproof. That doesn’t mean it’s not suitable to use in kitchens though. Our 12mm high density fibre (HDF) flooring, for example is perfectly fine in a kitchen because there…
| Education

Does Laminate Flooring Scratch Easily?

The short answer is that there isn’t any laminate flooring on the market that’s totally scratch proof. It’s just a fact that any flooring material, from natural wood to engineered timber or hybrid flooring, can be damaged. However, there are…
| Education

What is Hybrid Flooring?

Hybrid means a cross between two things. With flooring, it describes a product that combines the best features of both laminate and vinyl to create a floating floor. It’s really the latest flooring innovation within the industry. The benefits of…
| Education

Is 8mm Laminate Flooring Any Good?

The answer is both yes and no. Laminate flooring that’s 8mm with a medium density fibre (MDF) core is used by a lot of big retail stores and builders that work on big-volume projects. It’s essentially a mass-market product and…

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Melbourne's leading flooring retailer for Laminate Flooring, Hybrid Flooring, Engineered Timber Flooring, Vinyl Flooring and Composite Decking .

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