Karma Flooring
in Hybrid Flooring

What is Hybrid Flooring?

Hybrid means a cross between two things. With flooring, it describes a product that combines the best features of both laminate and vinyl to create a floating floor. It’s really the latest flooring innovation within the industry.

The benefits of hybrid

It’s a cost-effective solution

Hybrid flooring has an acoustic backing built into the floorboard, whereas a laminate floorboard has a separate underlay, so it’s not attached to the laminate floor as such. This means it’s a little more simple to install.

It can also be used everywhere in the interior of your home. Hybrid flooring can be installed throughout the whole interior of a house, including wet areas such as laundries, bathrooms, and toilets, but our advice is different to many preferring ‘wet areas’ are actually tiled instead. Hybrid flooring is water resistant and copes better with water on the top surface than most laminates.

We don’t actually believe any floating floor can claim to be 100% waterproof. We say hybrid flooring is water resistant instead. For example, if you leave your bath on and end up flooding the room, you’re going to get moisture under the flooring, which can lead to mould and bacteria growth. You’re going to need to pull it out and replace it even though there’s no visible damage. But hybrid can definitely offer you water resistancy and copes with various humidity’s, because the limestone core can cope with expanding temperatures to a certain tolerance.


Keep an eye on quality

The technology used to create hybrid flooring is improving all the time, and there’s a lot of choice of colours on offer these days. As with all types of flooring, there’s a range of different qualities of hybrid flooring on the market too. The technology and inner core mechanisms used affects the durability and other features of a hybrid. You want one that’s produced with a high-quality inner core. The thicker a hybrid flooring is, the better strength of the inner core.

Karma Flooring has a range of thicknesses from 7mm to 9mm in hybrid flooring. We recommend if your installing hybrid flooring in your house or unit etc, it’s best to shop for a minimum thickness of 7mm if the area is quite large. This way, the boards will be more robust and the longevity in the hybrid flooring will last longer than a thinner one.

Also look for hybrids that give you consistency in the locking systems, and the backings on the board. Acoustically, the backings are usually about 1.5mm thick, but this can vary. The inner core strength should be your priority if its longevity you want.

Generally speaking, laminate flooring is more scratch resistant and durable than hybrid flooring. Hybrid flooring is a great flooring product. You just need to be able to assess whether hybrid or laminate flooring is more suitable depending on what height you need for your flooring and the type of floor traffic your floor will be getting with everyday use.

Buy Now

Ready to buy hybrid flooring?

Come round and view our product range in Bayswater, Epping and Traralgon. We have a vast choice of premium quality hybrid flooring, and our team will give you professional advice on what to purchase, and even recommend installers.

Karma Flooring is a factory outlet for premium quality laminate flooring, engineered timber flooring, hybrid flooring and composite decking. You could save up to 50% on the material when you by directly from us.

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